It is time for some portuguese classes And it is free for VIP subscribers here www
I m selling some stickers for your notebooks and laptops and phone cases
Out of surgery I think everything went ok but I m still waiting the anesthesia to wear off
Some photos before the con I actually really like this I did a messy makeup one for a punk look with friends
Smoke and get high with me babe so I can fuck you all night long High sex is the best cause you can feel everything
Happy Titty Tuesday I bet you wish these lovely tits were all in your mouth If only you could have a taste Daily Deal 5
Frying up plantains to go with black beans Down to 1-2 days a week at the gym because it s rare to find an Anytime
Strip club Sundays anyone Me and my wifey supporting her at her first ever POLE contest And YES it was just as much fun
I know im a little absent rn but im thinking of doing a whole rebrand so like bear with me while things are happening